Kingdom Ministries Podcast
If you’re frustrated by not experiencing more of what the Bible talks about as being a follower of Christ, or wonder if there’s something more than simply going to church, reading your Bible, and praying then the Kingdom Ministries podcast is for you. Listen as Keith Martens shares real-life stories and teaching that underscores the reality of New Testament biblical faith. You will become more equipped to understand and utilize the resources God has given you to overcome the barriers in your life and help you become more effective in leading others to freedom in Christ. Drawing on 30+ years of experience Keith will share and provide some practical tools you can use to increase your understanding of Jesus’ message and ministry of the Kingdom of God and how to utilize God’s Word, Christ’s authority, and the counsel of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life and ministry that will result in life-changing and biblical fruit.
Kingdom Ministries Podcast
Attitude in Prayer
Keith Martens
In this episode, Keith talks discuss what our attitude as Christians should be when engaging in prayer. Looking at prayer through the lens of "the Kingdom of God", he breaks down practically what it means to bring the Kingdom. Touching on topics like who sets the rules, what can we or can't we do, and how does prayer fit into our role as being sent out by Christ as His disciples in this world.